Monday, November 23, 2009

I saw this link on MSN about a man "being trapped in his own skin." You can find the link here.

My first thought when hearing about this was an NPR interview on the talk show "Fresh Air," about how so many people are misdiagnosed as vegetables when they get into an accident...and the result becomes that they let the person die.

It makes me think about my own I'm not really living a fruitful life right now and how I'm wasting a lot of time playing video games. I wonder if I could accomplish so much more if I was focused and had a plan of some sort or even started thinking of a plan to achieve something in life. I guess if I don't start today, then nothing will come out of this thought...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's day

When I was kid, I thought it'd be cool to go into the army. It wasn't any grand idea about serving the country, or helping out with any war effort, but more like a big video game which I could gain skills and become some sort of officer. As I got older, I realized that people die in war and in combat and that you aren't playing for points or even a level up, but you're role is to kill people and protect those whom your fighting for.

I really didn't want to go into the army when I reached high school. I was afraid of a draft and wondered if I would even survive boot camp. But luckily no draft was ordered and I escaped with my life.

Today is Veteran's day and when I look at some of the things that people sacrificed for us in the United States, I'm always thankful that they put their lives on the line, (some even giving their lives,) so that we can have the freedom that we have today. I always loved WWII films. The strategy of war and working as a team to achieve a common goal. It's kind of like American football in some sense, except deadlier. Me being a civilian and never really sacrificing that much for my country, I really respect those who have served in the military for our country.

Even now, I wonder if some of my friends who went into the military are still living. I hope so, but I have no idea if they are or not. I can only hope and pray that they come back alive.

She and her friend are both Christian, and I wondered if it was a good idea for them to even go into the military. She is such a nice person that it's hard for me to imagine her doing the dirty work of our country. All I know is that I'm not doing much for this country and I guess the only thing that I can really do is volunteer my time and my money for causes that deserve it and spend less on myself. Not saying I do much of that, but it really makes you think about what people do for you; and the fact that you don't realize what they're doing. I hope that you'll take some time today, or even another day, to really think about what people do for you so that you can enjoy the freedoms that you have today.

Since I'm part Japanese, and some of the people that go to my church fought in WWII in the 442nd regiment, I thought that it'd be nice to post a link to some info about them. While they are only a small part of the service that has been done in this country, I hope that you will take some time to read about some history of the wars in the present and in the past. I can't stress enough how much we owe all the veterans.