Still the same questions, no answers...maybe I'm not thinking or meditating enough on them. But part of me thinks that I just need to become more human and experience all that is good in this world. And to become a better person rather than a bitter person; lessons I learned from church, AACF, and wise friends.
I've heard many times from different pastors that we need to be centered on God rather than jumping head first into something. There is much wisdom in contemplating what God wants you to do rather than what you want out of life. However, a God sized task is by no means an easy task and I feel that maybe I will never hear what God wants me to do.
To do what is right, to care for others, to love others as yourself, to help strangers in need because they are important to God as well as someone else; All these things, I've seen God do in the bible and also in my life and others I know. However, as broken as this world is, it won't get fixed unless we work together with God and follow Him and His words in the bible.
Anyway, I believe that every person has some good inside of them...despite how I feel about some things, I know that God can do a work in anybody's heart if we ask God to reach out to them. Even now, I believe that God does so much more than we ever see and is at work way before we even ask Him.
God did so much for me when I shunned Him before I ever knew Him. Now I can't stress enough how important God is for this world, for people, and me. Part of me wonders why God would care so much for any of us...and I find that it's because that's who He is...that's His character. Even though bad things happen to most of us, I believe that not everything is part of His will, yet everything can be used for good and for those who love Him.
Anyway, our days our numbered on this earth. Not saying the end of world will come soon, but I'm saying that each person is only on this earth for so long and what a waste it would be if we spent the rest of our days by ourselves rather than with the ones we love and to meet others who are also created by God who are just as extraordinary as God created them to be. Life is too short to be worrying about the people who treat us poorly or spit on us because we are different. And life is too short to be disrespecting those who are different than us and treat them poorly as well. Do you not believe that God loves all people of this earth, no matter how good or how bad they are, or even what they do?
I believe that God can change any person's heart to a heart after His own. I've seen God do it, and I know that He continues to do this every day.