Wednesday, June 29, 2005

It's not that bad...when I'm going home for the day. But really, work is not that horrible. On Monday, my supervisor told us that we were going to have a light week this week. Monday wasn't so bad. Then Tuesday had a lot of stuff for us to go through. Plus there was an inspection that day, so we were told to work really fast for the first hour. heh.

Today sucked the most. For some reason, people don't like using enough tape to tape up their boxes, so we had an extraordinary amount of boxes that we had to re-tape. Plus we had a heavy shipment, so we didn't get out until later than usual. I don't know why, but this week seems like it's going to be tougher than last week. Last week, we got out early almost everyday.

They even had someone who does the same thing I do, unload a truck. I'm thinking...if he's doing that when his guy is sick, then I will probably be doing the same thing if my guy is sick. Oh man...I can't imagine doing that...well...heavy lifting...I was expecting it and I will probably be doing it.

Anyway, one thing that I must say is, I don't believe that my bosses can predict how much work we're going to have for the week. Sometimes things change in the middle of the week, because people send stuff out for fast shipments.

I had an off day today. It wasn't so horrible, but it felt like I couldn't do anything right today. Nothing to do, but to recover, get to work tomorrow, and do better. I wasn't even tired today. Maybe I was, I just didn't feel tired. All that caffiene from yesterday.

Anyway, I'm thinking...where do I want to go in life? Am I going to stick around here? Do I really want to go to Japan? I'm thinking that I really don't know what I want in life. I don't know what I want to do with my life. Anyway, enough pondering...

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Some thoughts about what I do

I've looked at my life for the past year. I don't do very much anymore in terms of serving others and being a servant. I do a little but I look at my heart and I see that I don't have a heart right now. It's not soft...that's all I can say. I guess that's one reason why I think that God might not have wanted me to serve in the children's ministry this year. I am not sure if He does want me to serve in that ministry again, but I really think that He doesn't want me to serve this year. For what reason, I don't know. Anyway...

I was told that the heart behind what you do is more important than the doing. Doing is important, but if you don't have the right heart behind it, then it might not be so good to actually do that. I find that I don't have very much love in my heart right now. I can say that because I feel like I don't care. I do care about some things and some people, but really, I'm just in oblivion right now.

I can attribute this to not spending enough time with God. Lately, I've been doing other things than spending time with God. Yesterday was the first time in about a week that I have spent time with Him praying and reading His word.

I could do things in my church and I could do things for other people, but really, I just feel dead. I guess the change has to start within before I can start doing things again.

I wonder why God still meets with me when I pray, and I know that the only reason is because He loves me. I take Him and a lot of people for granted sometimes, but I'm seeing that really, I need to care again about those who I have friendships with and those who actually care about me.

I know that people are there to help me if I ask. I know that people have been trying to talk to me and I also know that some people have moved on. Really, I can't worry about people leaving me. I need to focus on just getting better. I also need to focus on being a friend.

Anyway, something inside of me it better if you don't serve at all? Would anybody else do it? I like to think that if I don't do something, then someone else will answer the call to serve. I know that everything doesn't depend on me. But then again, maybe I need to serve again. You learn by doing right?

Anyway, about an earlier post about's important to have the right attitude and heart behind what you do, but if you're doing something that is not right...not matter what your heart is behind it, it is probably not right. I know that things aren't black and white, but really, you need to use your own judgment about things and not take everything anyone says all one way.

Sometimes we are fooled by half truths. And sometimes the truth may be perverted for someone else's objectives. Anyway, all I'm saying is, "Think for yourself and judge for yourself what is right and wrong."

Monday, June 27, 2005

Batman Begins...

I saw Batman a week ago. Pretty good movie. I must say that it is different from the animated series, but still pretty good.

There were two quotes that I remember the most. "Why do we fall down Bruce?" (Bruce's father asked.) The answer, "So we can learn to get back up." The second quote is, "it's not who you are inside that's important. It's what you do that defines you Bruce." The last one I kind of agree with because what you do does say something about you, but it doesn't mean everything. However, I'd say that the heart behind what you do matters more. Doing isn't everything, it's the heart behind the doing. Someone could have a really arrogant attitude while helping the less fortunate. Is that actually helping anybody? Is it making them feel worse? Questions I ask and think about. Really, people look at the outside, but not many people look at what's inside. We can't always see what's inside sometimes, until we notice it later.

Anyway, I thought that it was a great movie. I still like the animated series the best, but I'm glad that they got back to the roots of why Batman is Batman. The previous movies just ruined the whole concept. It started to go downhill after Batman Returns. I guess filmmakers are entitled to their own artistic license too. But man, it was getting pretty bad.

One thing that I hope that they keep is some of the bad guys for the next movies. If you kill off all the bad guys, then you can't use them again in another movie. I guess people only want to make so many movies...and a comic series is meant to last a longer period of time than movies, but it would be nice to see some old faces back in the game and to see more of their character developed. Who knows...maybe they get rid of them, so they don't have to pay them more money to come back.

The whole concept of Batman is a past that has changed Bruce Wayne, and a desire to make sure that it doesn't happen again to any other people. Even helping people who misunderstand him.

Why do we fall down? Why do we fail? Why do we lose? So we can learn to get back up, try again, and succeed later. It build character to try again. If we never knew pain, then how would we know what joy is?

Life is tough

This is a fallen world. I'm not saying go out there and fail or lose, but what I'm saying is, there is no growth without these things. If everyone succeeded in everything, then to me, it would seem like a Hell on earth. Everything would be too easy. Nothing would be worth trying for. Life would be boring.

Batman and Spiderman are my favorite superheros. They are human beings who are not perfect, but try really hard to make things right. I think what I identify most about them is with their weaknesses, and I respect about their characters their sense of right and wrong. Things aren't always black and white, but sometimes you have to make judgments about what to do.

Batman and Spiderman have strong characterics of right. Both have to do with a tradgedy in each of their lives.

In my life, I still struggle with things from my past. I have made choices that hurt me and helped me. I have choices now. What am I going to do with my life? What am I going to do with my relationships with my friends? What am I going to do with my church?

We all have a part to play in this world. One thing that I'm learning about myself is that I shouldn't let other people define who I am. I define who I am. I have my own life to lead.

I guess after all this searching for the past 6 months, I'm being reminded that my worth is not defined by other people. If it was, I'd be worth very little. The one person that I belong to is God. He will never leave me or forsake me.

I have choices to make for my life. Right now, I'm going nowhere. I guess the thing to do is to not get comfortable sitting around and start running again.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Goodbyes, hellos, and Goodbyes

Yesterday there was a going away party for someone. We went to a park and had a potluck there. It was super busy. I got there an hour late and didn't miss much. Other people showed up later.

My friend is leaving back for her home. She has a job lined up and she is going to do well there.

It was sad to see her go. I barely talked to her, because I have never been good at saying goodbye.

One of my friends from Japanese showed up. Her boyfriend went to school with my friend. She came and talked to me, because we had class together. She is a nice person and we talked for a little bit.

I always get uncomfortable around people from time to time, and this was one of those times. It's nothing that she did, it's just that I find that I haven't had much practice with people I haven't seen and people that are new. Anyway, I probably won't see her again...just like my other friend.

Anyway, despite the goodbyes, I had a good time talking with some of my other friends. The time passed quickly and it was over before I knew it. I missed the main reason why I came there, which was to talk to my friend.

Anyway, there were some new people that I haven't met before that were there to see my friend off. I felt like such a hypocrite, because aren't we supposed to welcome new people? Instead, I felt like I was just talking to my friends instead of trying to actually meet new people. I noticed that the majority, my friends, were still here at the end, while the people that I didn't know left earlier. I wonder if they had a good time.

I guess one thing that I need to work on is hospitality. I must admit that I'm still scared of this world. One experience really was traumatic. I haven't recovered yet. But I know that unless I actually try to get back into the swing of things, I won't recover. I guess the solution is to force myself again, and get out of my comfort zone.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I'm wondering what lies ahead. Where will I go? What will I do? Will I make good choices, or will I choose to live in a mediocre way?

Really, my life is my own. I have my own choices to make. I have my own life to create. I'm just wondering, do I really want it?

Things don't turn out the way you want them to, but definitely there will be good times and bad times.

Something going through my head today was, I really need to just get over some things. At work, there are some people who might not like me and there are some people who I get along with well. I was thinking today, you just got to make your own time here. Make your own life. You have choices and you're not helpless.

So, I decided to have a good day at work. I decided to just see the positive, even though negative happens from time to time. Don't get me wrong, I acknowledge the negative, and I try to deal with it. Sometimes I do it in the wrong way, like today, but I see what I did wrong and what I should do the next time. I had a good day and I didn't let myself get trapped in my negativity. heh. I'm sure you guys don't know what I'm talking about. Even people who have known me for awhile don't know what I'm talking about. Anyway...

One thing that I'm sure of is that I need to find a new job. I don't think that this is a good job for me. It's really dangerous doing this type of work. Either I'm going to get hurt, or someone else is.

I wonder...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Oil and OPEC

My dad is watching the US senators debate on whether or not to use anti-trust suits against OPEC. Those of you living in America, I'm sure you know of the high gasoline prices that we have as of now. It seems like the senators are blaming OPEC, the band of countries in the middle east that have oil.

They're complaining about oil prices being too high and also talking about greenhouse gases and how they think that global warming is a myth. They could be right, but one thing that I know is that man made stuff hurts the environment. If we're not careful, we'll all be dead by our own pollution.

Anyway, I think that it's ridculous that the senate is thinking of using an anti-trust suit against OPEC. What I do say is, OPEC is getting smart, because oil is a necessity for many countries and as long as there are no other ways of getting efficient energy to run our transportation, then we'll always depend on them. Even if we do open up the artic reserves for oil, that won't be enough and will ruin Alaska.

What I must say is, there is a lot of self interest in Washington. The government was spending money on developing alternative energies in the 70s, but it got cancelled when Ronald Regan came to power. He said that we must depend on oil.

When you think about it, gasoline companies make a heck of a lot of money on everyone. Gas is used everyday. Gas is necessary for the US to get around, not to mention a lot of other places too.

The senators also make money off of the gasoline companies. Who makes contributions to the government? Companies. Companies know how to get what they want. Money talks. Government officials have to raise money to campaign. To stay in office, they need to play the game. The good ones sometimes get swept away.

Anyway, what I'm saying is, the government could spend money on making alternative energies, but...they are getting paid by the oil industry, so they don't spend on alternative energy.

I don't claim to know's obvious that I know very little about this. But when you think about it, it's just stupid to charge an anti-trust suit against OPEC. We HAVE to depend on them...or else we're in trouble. What I'm saying is, the US gov. is digging deeper in it's own trouble and self interest. Why not develop alternative energies? It's expensive to develop yes, but really, how much do we spend on weapons? Why not make something that benefits everyone and helps us in the future?

I don't know...common sense dictates that we should develop alt. energies. Anyway, I guess no one is interested. We're living good now and there's no reason to worry...Anyway, I guess if the government did develop better alt. energies, then they would keep it a secret for awhile until it is needed. However, I doubt they're doing that.

Hmm...I sure hope that someone will develop a better solar cell. That's not the only type of alt. energy, but I do think that that is going to be the most useful.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I've come to realize that some things aren't that big of a deal. I have cooled off a little from my previous post. Thank goodness for today's message. The verses, Matthew 5:43-48 helped.

I'm wondering what the correct actions to take are. I guess there is no right answer in this, but there are better ways of doing things. Some better than others. What would Jesus do? My guess is that He wouldn't worry about this little thing and forgive others as He forgives me.

Anyway, I'm seeing that I need to get more sleep. I'm wearing out from just not taking care of myself and being sick.


I'm always glad that the weekends come, but I always have to adjust my schedule every week. I think Sunday's are the hardest day of the week for me. I'm always worrying about getting to work on time the next day. Even though it's late already for me, I'm wanting to talk to my family.

Sunday mornings are tough, because I am usually sleepy on those days. Sometimes I don't want to go to church. Sometimes I'd rather sleep and stay in bed. But today was good. Even though I wasn't talkative today, I was glad that I went to church and went out to lunch. I wonder why I go sometimes, because I'm usually so tired that I don't talk that much. I feel so low...maybe this is depression talking.

I'm thinking that I need to focus on what's positive instead of what's negative. I also need to see that really, some things don't matter and that I do have worth. Really, nobody can give me what I need. I need to work with God to create the things that I need. I'm talking about being okay with myself and participating in conversations. I guess it's a learning process.

Being okay with myself...sometimes I'm too hard on myself. But I guess I need to forgive myself too.

Today, the message was about Fathers and God. I remember a few things, but one thing that I remember is that strength is not hiding your weakness, but being able to get back up and try again if you are knocked down. If you're knocked down 7 times, will you try the 8th time to start again? Note, I'm not talking about relationships here. I'm talking about not giving up. Wow, I'm going to miss this pastor. Well, I know that he'll do some great things in the new church that he's going to start. Praise God that someone is going out into this world to reach out to those who don't know Jesus and who will really care for them. Note that the pastor and his family have great hearts, and I know that the people they meet will be really lucky to meet them.

Makes me think...I really need to pray and spend time with Jesus.

Some things don't matter. Two things matter the most. One greater than the other.

Anyway, I know that holidays aren't necessarily celebrations for everyone. I hope, however, that you all will have good days on those days though. One thing that I try to remember is that God is good and we don't know everything. Sometimes we won't know why something happened until very much later. Events shape our lives...they are out of our control sometimes, but there is hope. I have been taught this from church and it has kept me going. I don't know where I'd be without God.

Anyway, I know that words only mean so much. But I hope that you all will experience good things to come.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

All I got to say is, be careful who you deal with. Some people really need to learn people skills. I'm not saying that I'm perfect either, but man, sometimes things come out the wrong way when I'm at the receiving end.

Anyway, nothing big happened...but yeah, I'm learning more about this world by dealing with this world. I guess that's why we need Christ.

People really are interesting...but I think that sometimes I need to use a little conditioning so that people will learn that they are doing something wrong. I'm not talking about running experiments on anybody, but what I'm saying is, sometimes you need to tell people that what they're doing is wrong. If you reward bad behavior, then people will just act worse.

I'm not saying bite them back...what I'm saying is, show them that they hurt you and that what they did is wrong. Hmm...maybe I should watch Super Nanny. haha. That's conditioning...Parenting.

Anyway, I know that sometimes things aren't this easy. But really, there are better ways of doing things.

I don't pretend to know what everyone else is going through...but yeah, I'm speaking only for myself. I'm still learning...
I'm having writer's block...I can't seem to express myself. Anyway, I'll try to just write whatever comes to the top of my head. Maybe I just need to write some things that I've been doing.

Star Ocean Till the End of Time

You can find the article here.

This is a great game for the PS2! I'm enjoying it. The battle system is pretty simple, but it's still more fun than just telling your characters to attack and watching them attack. The battles are in real time. If you're looking for more of a challenge, then check out Ninja Gaiden for the XBOX. But yeah, I'll explain some more about the battle system for Star ocean.

Battles consist of three characters that you can control. You control only one character at a time and the other characters do their own actions based on the label you told them to fight in. You can switch between characters at any time though. There are minor attacks and major attacks. Minor attacks are quick and use less fury (it's like stamina), but can be blocked if the opponent has 100% fury. If you have an anti attack barrier, then your block will bounce a stun wave back at the attacker. This can be changed to a different setting like bouncing back damage, but only when you find items that will teach your characters how to do that.

Major attacks will break the barrier and allow you to keep attacking if you choose to without being stunned. Major attacks take up more fury than minor attacks, so if your gauge reaches 0, then you'll have to stand still until it recharges.

There are also special attacks if you learn them based upon experience and equip them. They will level up the more you use them. They are initiated by holding down the button that you equipped them on.

There is also long and short attacks. These are based upon the distance you are from the enemy. If the gauge says that you're a long distance away, then your attacks will be different. For Fsyt, the main character, he has only chains of two attacks for both the minor and major. The special attacks can be equipped to either long or short for your major or minor attacks.

The gameplay is pretty simple and there's not much to it besides button mashing and dodging. It's addicting, but can get tiring over 1-2 hours. The fun part about this game is not the actual gameplay, but improving and getting new things because of the experience in battles.

Patenting items

You can actually hire inventors or invent stuff with your characters and patent it. So far, I've found an Anti Poison Amulet, and some Sake (alcohol) that I patented. I'm hoping that they'll give me some more gameplay money in this game. The game has some variety in that you can create items, synthesize them, make food, invent weapons, engineer technology, etc. and patent it so that you can buy it in the game...I'm not sure if you get any money for it, but I'm thinking you do. It costs quite a bit of money to make something in this game. But it's funny to see the character's expressions as they work on something. Anyway, there's lots of details that I don't want to go into.


I won't ruin the story for you, but there is external and internal struggle throughout the parts of the game that I've played.

I like how you can talk to the inhabitants of the different towns and get a feel for how things are like there. But sometimes it does seem a little unrealistic, even though I know that there are people out there like some of the little blurbs of text.

Anyway, this was kind of a boring post. But yeah, that's what I've been sinking my teeth into.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Sometimes it's best not to worry...I mean, what good will that do you? Pray and do what you can.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Sometimes you've got to wonder...

From time to time, I wonder why I'm here. I feel like I create bad times for some people. I feel like I hurt people from time to time by my actions and my words. (Not physically, mind you.) I'm talking about other people's feelings.

I know that it is inevitable that we will hurt each other. We're not perfect and we have flaws in our own beings that we use to hurt others. I don't believe that our flaws cause us to hurt others, it's something that we do, whether intentional or not.

Anyway, given all the things that are in the back of my mind, I'm feeling pretty low.

Anyway, humans are beings that can do a lot of harm to each other and have done a lot of harm to the world. But I know that there is one person who will forgive me if I ask for forgiveness and if I forgive others for the wrongs I have against them. I'm having trouble letting go of these grudges of the past. But I keep reminding myself that "nobody's perfect," and "we're all just trying to live the best we can." It's inevitable that we're going to hurt others and be hurt by others. But, that doesn't mean that you go out there and intentionally hurt others in any way.

Sometimes I wonder...why was I created? Have I actually made anyone's life better? When I do try to help, I find that people take advantage of my good intentions. I'm learning how not to let people take advantage of me twice by the same person. I guess if you have good intentions, then you will be taken advantage of from time to time, but we're supposed to be as shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves. So, what I learned from someone else who knows someone else who helps others in need, is that there are honest people, and there are dishonest people. If someone is found untrustworthy, then it's stupid to trust them again. You're just going to get hurt or taken advantage of again.

Then, I am sometimes the one who hurts others or makes them feel bad about themselves. I don't intend to do that, but it comes out that way from time to time. I know that I just have to look back, see what I did wrong, see what I could do right the next time, and move on.

Anyway, I know that it's pointless to keep writing about this. Some things are bothering me, and I wonder if I blow things out of proportion to how things actually are. I don't know. Nobody tells me I assume nothing is wrong. But I wonder sometimes why people just don't tell me when they have something against me. Maybe it's small to them and I guess I shouldn't worry about things like this. One of my friends told me not to worry about relational things. People forgive and forget over time. My friend is an outstanding person and I see that he is pretty good at relational things and keeping himself upbeat.

Anyway, that's what's been on my mind for some time now. I think that it was good that I wrote this down. For my benefit, I don't have to worry about things anymore. But, what I do need to do is see what I did wrong and improve myself.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Graduation...couldn't make it

I decided to stay home while my parents and brother left for graduation. I think that it's best that I stay home. I would probably get worse being out in this weather. Plus I have used up almost all the kleenex in the house.

Right now, I'm coughing up flem and blowing my nose every two minutes. Well...more like coughing, and blowing my nose. I'm in the recovery stage now I guess. I'm just glad that I didn't get sick last year when I graduated...otherwise, I'd be in miserable shape.

Well, to everyone who was graduating this year...sorry I couldn't make it.

Friday, June 10, 2005

I feel sick

Nuff said...I'm ill. I feel a lot better than I did this morning though...Man, I don't know if I'll make it to my brother's graduation tomorrow.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Bad times will come

Today was just a bad day at work. Some things happened that weren't my fault. Or at least, I don't think they were. There were two instances. When I started work. The wireless scanner was on the ground and not plugged into the charger, so I'm thinking that it wouldn't work. I try scanning and it doesn't scan. Hmm...I try luck. I call the manager. He comes back with a battery. It still doesn't scan. Finally he looks in the back and replugs the power back into the receiver. That wasn't my fault, it was like that when I got there. Fair enough...

During work there were two more instances. One my fault, another, not my fault. I accidently unplugged the receiver when I pulled the receiver. I called the manager again...he replugged it back in. I pulled it again so that it wouldn't fall to the unplugged, and he told me not to pull it and plugged it back in. My fault on that one.

The second one was that I was moved to a different station after break. Someone was still logged I log them out. Then I log in. While I'm scanning, I notice that the label doesn't print out when I'm scanning a box. I then look back at the computer to see that I'm logged off. I log back in. Not long later, the computer logs me off for no reason. I thought that I was hitting the keyboard with the wire from the scanner, so I move the keyboard. Still, it does the same thing. I call the manager. He tries it, and he then gives it to me after so many tries. Then he watches, and goes away after 5 minutes. It messes up after he leaves. So I give up. I just log back in when I get logged off.

At the end of work, I'm sent back to that computer. I try to scan something, and it messes up. I scan again, and it logs me off. I keep trying to log back in, and it logs me off. Finally, it breaks. It crashed and then my supervisor comes and checks on it. Yup, it's not responding...So we move all the heavy stuff and other things on the belt to another belt some 10 feet away. Just not my day. They think that the scanner is broken. Could be...but really, I wonder if someone was messing with me. Not sure about that though. I don't know why someone would not log off when break time came. Really, it lowers their stats. I'm sure that it was just faulty programming.

I am not expecting to be working here long. I might get fired sooner or later like one of my other coworkers did. I wonder exactly how long I'll be here. Well, I guess maybe I need to prepare for the worst. If I do get fired, then I know that it's time to move on. Really, jobs come and go. If I'm fired for this, then I'll know that it wasn't my fault. I don't expect to be fired...but if they have one station less tomorrow, then I'll probably be told to go home for the day.

Anyway, I know that I'm a capable person and I can do some jobs well. Not all jobs, I can do well, but some jobs. Well...I guess it's no big deal if I do get fired. I'll just look for another job. I might try Japan earlier than I expected to if things don't work out here.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Get back on your feet...start up again...this is what I tell myself. I've been sitting out too long. I know what I need to do.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Pick yourself up and try again. Get back into the game...or else you'll never get anywhere.

Sometimes it's so easy to just feel bad about oneself. Something that I am trying to do is to learn from my mistakes, think of what I'd do different and move on. You'll never know what things are ahead of you on the path you walk. But, when similar things come back, then you'll know how to deal with them. It won't be the same, but if you don't learn from your mistakes, then you'll likely repeat them.

One thing that you must remember is that the things ahead and now are NOT the same as they were in the past. But if you don't correct it now in yourself, then it is likely to happen again.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Without a Hard Drive?

More news on the PS3. You can find the page here.

Anyway, the article says that it will be backwards compatible with PS2 games, but doesn't have a memory card slot...I'm wondering...what are they thinking?!
Life always has its struggles. I find that since I'm really sensitive that I get more emotional than others sometimes. I mean, I know that we can't always go by our emotions, because emotions don't always have reason to them. Sometimes they do tell you that you should be careful. Sometimes your emotions can be more about how you perceive things than about what the other person is feeling or why they're saying something. Whatever it is, it's not always clear why people do something, say something, or react a certain way.

The only way to find out is to ask them and talk with them in a non-accusing manner or non-angry manner. Depending on the person, they might or might not tell you the truth. If they're honest, they'll tell you, or they'll tell you that they don't want to say anything about it. If they're dishonest, they'll lie. It's not always black and white like I just put it...because other factors may come into play...but yeah, I wonder sometimes...

Anyway, I think the reason I'm writing this is that I'm playing some music in the background and it has remined me of some things in the past. I guess the old wounds still linger, even though they are relatively light scars. It's like an itchy feeling where you scratch the scar and it feels more irritated.

However, I remember these things for a reason. They have been an important part of my life and have shaped who I am. Someone older once told me after I told him part of my testimony, "Aren't you glad that you went through all that?" I said, "I guess." I was. I was glad that I am where I am now. I am glad.

I know that life will always be hard. It will never be easy for anyone. However, I do believe that some people have tougher lives than others. I am amazed at how cool some people are that are disabled. How did they become so cool? They worked at it. They were given a disadvantage and they worked hard to be become better. Working hard isn't the only thing that has been part of their life. But it varies from person to person and each life is unique.

Anyway, nothing serious happened. I'm just thinking about things and life. Following Jesus is not easy...because He will always take you out of your comfort zone and stretch you. It is dangerous sometimes...but that's why we do ministry in groups. Anyway, I have some things I need to think about.
Weekend Update

Friday, there was a gathering to help set up for a fundraiser. I, feeling so bad, didn't go. I slept instead. I thought that it would be best if I didn't go. I wasn't feeling so good. The past week was just really tiring and I felt like I wanted to reach the weekend so badly. I'm glad that I got sleep on Friday.

Saturday, we had our last small group meeting. We went to a sushi joint where they had small conveyor belts move the sushi around. I was happy to eat all those California rolls. I used to not like sushi before I went to Japan. After I came back, I ate sushi and liked it. In Japan, I had to eat it, because we went to a sushi bar and that was the only thing to eat for dinner. Plus there were several other occasions where it was the only thing to eat. I like it a lot now, but I still prefer pizza.

Anyway, back to the sushi's pretty close to the city center. My brother used to live really close to that place. In fact, if he were still living there, he could just walk over. They have Tako yaki (fried Octopus, made with batter into a ball), seared salmon, Fried Calamari, Tuna rolls (the raw kind and also the canned kind too), red bean, mango and green tea ice cream...and more sushi I couldn't name for a great price. $1, $1.50, $2, or $3 a plate. I really like that place! It's better than the one on the east side. $1 for 3 pieces of fried gyoza was kind of expensive though. But hey, how often do I get to eat fried gyoza?

Man, my stomach is happy from eating all that. I don't think that I'll visit there too often though. I have to drive a long way to get there.

Afterward, we went to the Wests' place and played Poker. We didn't bet anything, which sucked...because I would have received some money if we did. But it was fun. I got good cards throughout the whole game. Usually I don't have that kind of luck. But hey, you can't win them all. The game lasted kind of long though...

Sunday, I got to church on time...finally...and after church went to lunch. Then came home, took a shower and slept as soon as I could. I learned my lesson from last week.

Monday monotony

For some reason, the belt didn't seem to go as fast today. I think it goes the same speed everyday, but when I'm not tired I can move a lot faster instead of slugging around. Overall, the same old same old stuff. Nothing really new to report. I think that work went well though. I'm glad that I have a job and that I'm doing something productive. I was expecting a heavy day and we got out early. Not so bad. I can imagine me staying at this place for some time. We'll see what opportunities come up. For right now, I need to do what I need to do.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

After a day of sleep, a half a night of play, and some more sleep until now, I feel rested. Now I need to eat some more.

I have some things on my mind as of lately. I tend to get down on myself a lot. I often find that nobody is going to tell me the things that I need to hear, so...I have to tell myself the things that I know to be true. While there are things bad about myself, there are also things good about me too. I often have to tell myself the things that are positive about myself and not beat myself up with things that are not so good about myself. I counter the bad things about myself with something that I hope that I can accomplish to make that part a better part of me.

"Yeah, people may ignore me, but that doesn't mean that they don't like me."

"It could mean that they don't like me, but I'm still a good person, and maybe they will like me later on. Maybe not, but I am trying to get along with them."

"Yeah, I'm kind of boring to be around, but that just means that I have to work on my social skills. I just don't have that much experience in this kind of thing, but that doesn't mean that I am worthless."

Things like that. I have to tell myself things that I know to be true. Things positive about myself. If I just beat myself up or feel bad about what I don't have, then I neglect to see that I do have things that are positive. Also, acknowledging that I have negative things about myself lets me to see that I have things where I need to improve in. Sometimes I replay stuff in my head and I feel guilty or bad about some things that I have done. But that doesn't help me. What I need to do is think of what I could do differently the next time.

I'm not perfect. But there are better things that I could do in social situations. Growth is a process. It doesn't come overnight, and it takes efforts. However, don't over emphasize the efforts...sometimes you need to analyze what you're doing and correct it before you go back into the situation. Or sometimes, you need to just let things go and let them be.

I know that I have worth regardless of how people treat me. I was told that the reason a person feels bad about someone else calling them a name is that the person who is being called a name believes that what the other person says is true. While it may be that just the fact that someone wants another to feel bad about something...really, we don't have to accept what they say is true. If we are secure enough, then we won't let things like names bother us.

One negative thought takes two positive thoughts to counter it. I find that I have to tell myself two things that are true about myself to counter the one negative thought. Labels hurt, but I usually tell myself that I am not that and I am something which I know to be true.

Anyway, main point, if you feel bad about someone calling you something, then it's probably because you believe it. If you don't believe it, then you shouldn't feel bad about what another person thinks. Bad feelings do come because of other people trying to bring other people down, but really, you have more control than you think. You can't control other people, but you can control what you think of yourself. People can think anything...they can bring others down to make themselves feel better.

Anyway, if it isn't obvious, I struggle with what other people say about me. But I know that I am not perfect and I have work to do to make myself a better person. It does feel better when I do tell myself things that I know to be true about myself. Positive things...not negative things. When you beat yourself up, you are agreeing with the other person who is trying to bring you down. Labels or names dehumanize another person. If you call someone something, then you fail to see them as a person, because you see them as that label.

Anyway, we're all not perfect, but that means that we all have work to do. Which feels better? To believe that you're nobody or worthless, or to believe that you have worth and that you're somebody. I find that the latter works better for me.

Anyway, words are powerful as they can stay with you until the day you die. But really, the words should not control us. We should control the words. (I love Kiasmus.)

Anyway, what you must be careful about is thinking more of yourself than is true. Nobody is better than another. I believe that because we are all like each other with the same nature. Sin. But you've got to realize that people are just like you. They feel the same things, the may even feel the same way, but people are people and we don't always get along. People...the human race...It's not this simple to bring people together. There's a lot of bad feelings going way back. But I do believe that God is still present in this world and He can bring good where there is bad. Anyway, enough of my ideals. I don't believe that words alone will make or break you. This is just a way to deal with the words. We all have work to do.

Friday, June 03, 2005

I need to eat

I didn't eat last night. I slept the whole day and slept at night too until work started. I felt horrible all day at work and I think that people could tell. I looked in the mirror and I saw someone who looked pretty horrible. I guess I looked how I felt. To anybody at my workplace reading this...yeah, my apologies...

I can't imagine what it's like to be hungry all the time...I guess I'll have to get a good job later on. That or stop spending money on stuff I don't need.

I'm so tired. I don't know if I'm going to go to fellowship tonight. I think that it might be wise to just relax this whole weekend. One of my other friends has graduated from seminary. She is having a party at her house, but I'm thinking that I'll probably just stay home.

Have any of you felt like you are living in limbo? Not necessarily Hell, but just feeling so apathetic toward everything...

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Ranting about the different stages...

As a kid, I used to think that I was the best person in the world. Well...I acted like such I guess...maybe not think that. But yeah, I excelled at many things as a kid, because I got some good teachings at school and at home

When I reached my teenage years, I thought that I was the worst person in the world. I wasn't treated very well by people in Jr. High and out of school, and I started to not like myself. I knew that I was doing some wrong things, but nobody helped me. The people that did try to, didn't know how.

High school was a turning point. I actually got some help that changed my life. The help didn't change my life, but it gave me some direction that I could choose to follow or not. I followed it and I made some better decisions. It wasn't easy, and I hated high school, but I did become a better person, because of the choices that I made.

College was the time of my life. I actually made friends and people talked to me. I was able to have some conversations, even though my basic conversation skills weren't that good, people were a lot more mature than in high school. It was my first time living away from home, and I enjoyed it so much, that I didn't even call my parents for 2 months one time. haha. It taught me more about myself and how I grew up vs. how everyone else is. Nobody grows up the same as someone else. We all have different experiences, but from the same family, you learn that you really are like your family in many ways in comparison to many different people out there.

Now, I'm in the work stage of my life. I'm still learning how to talk to people here. School is similar to the working stage of your life, because you do have something in common with the rest of the people at the same place. But really, at my workplace I really don't know how to talk to these guys sometimes. They're not bad people, but I just find that I really don't know what to talk to them about. They joke around with each other about work and stuff. They're pretty cool. But yeah, I'm still trying to get comfortable just being there.

One thing that I'm trying to do is to not look at people as this or that, but as people. I have trouble sometimes...because I think that people don't like me from time to time. But I know that we're all trying to live our lives the best we can. Sometimes we don't agree on things.

I don't know if any of the guys at my workplace know Christ. I might be maybe one out of 60. I don't know. I do know that I have not been a very good witness to my co-workers. All I do at work is work. I hardly talk to them, and sometimes I just want to go home after work. Everyone has their own lives outside of work, and I think that we just come to work to work. It's hard to talk to people when you're at the end of a conveyor belt, and you're trying to work fast. Also, when you feel like you're not being a good witness, it makes it that much harder to share Christ. I feel like such a poor witness.

I think that sometimes I just don't care. Sometimes I just want to keep to myself. I don't see myself sharing Christ to anybody at work. I don't care and they don't care. There is no friendship there, only co-worker relationships. There are friendships at work, but not with me. I'm always in a bad mood at work. I think that because the sun's not up and we're indoors when it does rise, it doesn't help at all. There are other reasons too...but I'd rather not get into those.

Don't get me wrong. I like and dislike my job. It's a good job in that I feel like I accomplish something everyday. But I feel like I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my life. I don't see myself doing this for more than 1 year. I know what I need to do and I'd rather not post it. But I know what I need to do.

Anyway, this is just a rant. I have this job and it's the place where I belong for right now. I guess I have work to do. What do I really want in my life, or to do with my life?

Senior Sendoff

I saw some old faces last night. It was a good time, but I was really tired. I wanted to go home. I didn't want to talk...I just wanted to sleep. Well, it wasn't that extreme, but I had fun there talking to people.

The themes for the night seemed to be to "trust in God despite how hard things get." The whole worship set was like that. When life is good, hard, and unbearable, trust in God, always. I found that a good message to the seniors who were graduating. Life is going to get harder when you get out of school. You're not in a bubble anymore, but you're being swept into the ocean.

Carolyn gave a message at the end. When the disciples were crossing the lake and straining at the oars, Jesus had some powerful words to say when He came to them. "Take courage, it is I." I'll sum this life she mentioned that through the difficult times when we're straining at the oars, she hopes that we can hear those words and see Christ there. (Something like that...I think...) Anyway, John 15:5 says, I am the vine, you are the branches, if a man remains in me and I in him he will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing.

I found it encouraging in my own life...when I didn't have a job for awhile and I was wondering where I was going, God was there and still is. The struggles that I went through through post college life for this first year have taught me some things that I found important. This world is not a nice place. And God is there and He loves me regardless of what this world thinks of me. I also learned that I need to keep growing in my walk with Him. God is still teaching me that I need to see that God loves everyone else too and that I need to have the same attitude and caring. I still fail at that, but I'm becoming a little more understanding of other people...I'd have to ask someone who knows me. And when I think about this, I think about some of my friends that I'm having trouble with and I'm thinking...that's still being worked out.

But I'm seeing that I just need to not take things personally and not get angry at things. One of my former roommates told me..."Don't get angry if people don't respond in the way that you'd like them to." Really, we all have free will and we're all people with individual feelings and thoughts. Wouldn't it be boring if everyone responded the same way? It's not easy, but I think that I'd rather have things this way and people not respond as well to me than to have people always respond well to me. I have some things that I need to work on and I know that I can become a better person.